Level 3 covers 12 chapters of the third level of English:
English 3a: How do we really spend our time
How do people spend their leisure time? How do people waste time at work? Do you cook or order takeaway? What sort of plans are you looking forward to? This introductory unit takes you through some useful, everyday vocabulary to warm you up and get you thinking in English. You’ll also have the chance to review the most basic present tenses and remember why you shouldn’t say “I’m thinking this wasn’t a good idea”. Don’t forget: a solid foundation is the cornerstone of learning intermediate English.
English 3b: A wedding I’ll never forget
Do you know how to talk about weddings and special events? What is an aisle? Is “reserve a venue” correct English? Can you use “a whirl of activity” in your own sentence? In this unit, you will learn vocabulary to talk about weddings before reviewing the past tenses and how to use them together to talk about past events. Had you been to Spain or did you go to Spain before the wedding? Complete this unit to learn more.
English 3c: Leading a successful life
What does success mean to you? Do you think money is the only indicator of leading a successful life? After completing this unit, you’ll be able to discuss this topic with confidence. Can you use “ambition” and “ambitious” correctly on your own? Are you jealous of or jealous on someone? After learning new vocabulary, you will learn multiple ways to talk about the future. Will you go to the meeting or are you going to the meeting? Or even—are you going to go to the meeting? The future isn’t set in stone, yet some ways to talk about the future are. Complete this unit to find out more.
English 3d: How has your life changed
In this unit, you’re going to focus on how things have changed, starting with childhood dreams and working your way up to the present. What does getting on mean? Are you tired of or tired on your job? Learn more about the present perfect tense with Emma, Kate, Laura and Peter, four friends who get together years after finishing university. Who has taken up a new hobby? What has Peter been up to? Is work on, work in, work as or work for correct? Complete this unit to learn more.
English 3e: I’ve been writing emails all day!
Learn to talk more precisely about work, the career ladder and specific work tasks. How important do you think in-house training is? Do you get a salary rise or a pay rise? Would you like to be in charge of or in charge for your own department at work? Can you use “resignation” in a sentence? After learning new work-related vocabulary, this unit focuses on lengthy recent actions and their consequences (otherwise known as the present perfect continuous tense). Why is Simon frustrated? Because he’s been dealing with difficult customers all day. And what about you—what have you been doing all day?
English 3f: Childhood friends
After completing this unit, you will be able to talk about the people around you in much more depth and detail—ranging from appearance to personality traits. Who among your friends is a barrel of laughs? Is Linda middle-aged or in her middle ages? When you’ve learnt how to describe people, you’ll then start to compare them using comparative and superlative adjectives. Is Frank franker than you? Is Jack funner or more fun than Daniel? Who is the most reserved person you know? Is she cleverer or more clever than I am? You’ll also learn to talk about big and small differences between things and people with words like considerably, slightly and marginally. What are you waiting for?
English 3g: Should I see the doctor?
Do you know how to talk about health? What do you reply to someone who says “I’m not feeling very good.”? Can you describe the symptoms of common health problems? After reading about the Collins family, you’ll learn how to use phrasal verbs like come down with, fight off and put your back out related to health and injuries.
In addition to learning how to use the words “ache”, “pain” and “hurt” correctly when talking to a doctor about health issues, you’ll also learn how to give advice. Martha’s got the flu! What should she do? Do you know the difference between don’t have to and mustn’t? What about advice in the past? You know, you really shouldn’t have forgotten your tissues.
English 3h: He can’t have been an upstanding citizen, then!
Who is an upstanding citizen? What is a policeman’s job? Do you ever bend the rules? This unit teaches you all about law and punishment vocabulary, both in formal and everyday English. After learning many new collocations, synonyms and other useful phrases, you’ll read about a detective trying to solve a murder! Is it possible the victim could have been poisoned and attacked? This leads to the grammar section of the unit which concerns modal verbs – specifically for possibility and deduction, just like a true detective!
English 3i: What’s on TV tonight?
Most people watch quite a lot of TV, but do you know how to talk about television? This unit takes you through useful TV vocabulary—everything from switching it on, to describing your favourite (or even most hated) TV shows. Reality shows are hugely popular at the moment, especially one’s about survival! Could you win dangerous challenges in the wild, and would you be able to outsmart your competition? After completing this unit, you’ll be able to talk about all your abilities—past, present and future—and you finally won’t have any more problems with “could” and “manage to”.
English 3j: What will it take to save the planet?
How often do you think about the environment? Do you think everyone should make an effort to recycle their waste? In this unit, you’ll learn how to talk about the environment, pollution and other global issues together with new negative adjectives like “irreparable” and “unrelated”. A video about global warming will get you thinking about consequences and conditions, which is a natural starting point for conditional sentences. This unit reviews the first conditional and compares it to zero conditional sentences. Will we save the environment if we stop buying so many clothes? Finish this unit to find out.
English 3k: If I weren’t stuck in the office…
How much time do you spend talking about your travel plans or past holidays you’ve been on? The vocabulary in this unit will make daydreaming about travelling even more enjoyable. After learning about the difference between the words “journey”, “trip” and “travel”, you’ll learn new words and phrases connected to flights and flying. Do you know what the opposite of a return journey is? Who tells you to fasten your seatbelt? After addressing these questions, you’ll learn all about holiday accommodation and sightseeing. Oh, how nice it would be to travel during work time! With this thought in mind, our wishful thinking continues with the second conditional (if you were in China at the moment, what would you visit?), then compares it with the first conditional.
English 3L: We used to sort things out together
Who do you usually talk things over with when you have a problem? How quickly do you normally come up with solutions? This unit deals with vocabulary to discuss problems as well as finding solutions with an emphasis on phrasal verbs that are very common in everyday English. The grammar part of this unit then focuses on talking about habits—namely, past habits and the difference between used to and would! If it’s correct to say “I would cycle around the city every week.”, then why can’t you say “I would own a pet parrot when I was a child?” Complete the unit to find out why.
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