
English: Module 9

Original price was: 36,00 €.Current price is: 30,00 €.


Module 9 covers first three chapters of the third level of English:

English 3a: How do we really spend our time
How do people spend their leisure time? How do people waste time at work? Do you cook or order takeaway? What sort of plans are you looking forward to? This introductory unit takes you through some useful, everyday vocabulary to warm you up and get you thinking in English. You’ll also have the chance to review the most basic present tenses and remember why you shouldn’t say “I’m thinking this wasn’t a good idea”. Don’t forget: a solid foundation is the cornerstone of learning intermediate English.

English 3b: A wedding I’ll never forget
Do you know how to talk about weddings and special events? What is an aisle? Is “reserve a venue” correct English? Can you use “a whirl of activity” in your own sentence? In this unit, you will learn vocabulary to talk about weddings before reviewing the past tenses and how to use them together to talk about past events. Had you been to Spain or did you go to Spain before the wedding? Complete this unit to learn more.

English 3c: Leading a successful life
What does success mean to you? Do you think money is the only indicator of leading a successful life? After completing this unit, you’ll be able to discuss this topic with confidence. Can you use “ambition” and “ambitious” correctly on your own? Are you jealous of or jealous on someone? After learning new vocabulary, you will learn multiple ways to talk about the future. Will you go to the meeting or are you going to the meeting? Or even—are you going to go to the meeting? The future isn’t set in stone, yet some ways to talk about the future are. Complete this unit to find out more.

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Modul 9


Level 3


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