
English: Module 12

Original price was: 36,00 €.Current price is: 30,00 €.


Module 12 covers last three chapters of the third level of English:

English 3j: What will it take to save the planet?
How often do you think about the environment? Do you think everyone should make an effort to recycle their waste? In this unit, you’ll learn how to talk about the environment, pollution and other global issues together with new negative adjectives like “irreparable” and “unrelated”. A video about global warming will get you thinking about consequences and conditions, which is a natural starting point for conditional sentences. This unit reviews the first conditional and compares it to zero conditional sentences. Will we save the environment if we stop buying so many clothes? Finish this unit to find out.

English 3k: If I weren’t stuck in the office…
How much time do you spend talking about your travel plans or past holidays you’ve been on? The vocabulary in this unit will make daydreaming about travelling even more enjoyable. After learning about the difference between the words “journey”, “trip” and “travel”, you’ll learn new words and phrases connected to flights and flying. Do you know what the opposite of a return journey is? Who tells you to fasten your seatbelt? After addressing these questions, you’ll learn all about holiday accommodation and sightseeing. Oh, how nice it would be to travel during work time! With this thought in mind, our wishful thinking continues with the second conditional (if you were in China at the moment, what would you visit?), then compares it with the first conditional.

English 3L: We used to sort things out together
Who do you usually talk things over with when you have a problem? How quickly do you normally come up with solutions? This unit deals with vocabulary to discuss problems as well as finding solutions with an emphasis on phrasal verbs that are very common in everyday English. The grammar part of this unit then focuses on talking about habits—namely, past habits and the difference between used to and would! If it’s correct to say “I would cycle around the city every week.”, then why can’t you say “I would own a pet parrot when I was a child?” Complete the unit to find out why.

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Modul 12


Level 3


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