Jaz: Oprostite, kje je Upravna enota Ljubljana?

Gospod na ulici: Na Tobačni ulici 5.

Jaz: Oprostite, kje je oddelek za tujce?

Svetovalec: Greste ven, okrog stavbe na desno, do konca stavbe in nato desno, kjer najdete v čakalnico F. Tam vzamete čakalni listek s številko.

Me: Excuse me, where is the Ljubljana Administrative Office?

Gentleman on the street: On Tobačna ulica 5.

Me: Excuse me, where’s the Department for Foreigners?

Advisor: You go out, around the building to the right, to the end of the building and then to the right, where you find yourself in waiting room F. There you take the waiting slip with the number.

Uradnica: Dober dan. Kaj želite?

Jaz: Dober dan. Sem državljan iz Evropske Unije, prihajam iz Češke. Želim …

  • urediti dovoljenje za začasno prebivanje iz razloga (delo, študij, združitev družine ali drugi razlogi)
  • podaljšati dovoljenje za začasno prebivanje iz razloga (delo, študij, združitev družine, drugi razlogi).
  • oddati vlogo za zamenjavo delodajalca
  • urediti enotno dovoljenje za prebivanje in delo (za državljane izven Evropske Unije)
  • oddati vlogo za dovoljenje za stalno prebivanje

Uradnica: Predložite vlogo in vse dokumente.

Jaz: Izvolite. Ali potrebujem še kaj predložiti?

Administrative worker: Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Me: Good afternoon. I am a citizen of the European Union, I come from the Czech Republic. I want to …

  • arrange a temporary residence permit for a reason (work, study, family reunification or other reasons)
  • extension of a temporary residence permit for a reason (work, study, family reunification, other reasons).
  •  apply for a change of employer
  • arrange a single residence and work permit (for citizens outside the European Union)
  • submit an application for a permanent residence permit

Administrative worker: Please, submit the application and all documents.

Me: Here you go. Do I need to submit anything else?

Uradnica: Nekaj vam še manjka. Predložiti morate:

  • overjeno fotokopijo potnega lista
  • svojo fotografijo
  • pogodbo o zaposlitvi
  • potrdilo o vpisu na študij
  • dokazilo o zadostnih sredstvih za preživljanje (zadnjih 6 plačilnih list in 6 bančnih izpiskov)
  • dokazilo, da se šteje oseba kot družinski član (rojstni list, poročni list)
  • novo pogodbo z novim delodajalcem
  • potrdilo o urejenem zdravstvenem zavarovanju v Sloveniji.
  • potrdilo iz kazenske evidence o nekaznovanju iz matične države

Jaz: Tega nimam. Kako lahko to pridobim? Ali lahko kasneje pošljem po pošti?

Uradnica: Seveda. Če imate nepopolno vlogo, vas bo uradnik pisno pozval k dopolnitvi vloge. Sedaj morate plačati še upravno takso v višini 75 evrov.

Administrative worker: You’re still missing something. You must submit:

  • a certified photocopy of the passport
  • your photo
  • employment contract
  • certificate of enrollment
  • proof of sufficient means of subsistence (the last 6 pay slips and 6 bank statements)
  • proof that the person is considered a family member (birth certificate, marriage certificate)
  • a new contract with a new employer
  • certificate of regulated health insurance in Slovenia.
  • a certificate from the criminal record on impunity from the home country

Me: I don’t have that. How can I get this? Can I send it via post later?

Administrative worker: Of course. If you have an incomplete application, the administrative worker will ask you in writing to complete the application. Now you have to pay an administrative fee of 75 euros.

Jaz: Kdaj bo odločeno o moji vlogi?

Uradnica: V povprečju se vloga rešuje tri mesece, ker imamo veliko število vlog. Ko bo o zadevi odločeno, boste pisno obveščeni in boste osebno prevzeli kartico dovoljenja za začasno prebivanje. Takrat boste poravnali tudi dodatno upravno takso za izdelavo kartice dovoljenja za prebivanje v višini 12 evrov.

Jaz: Kdaj lahko prijavim prebivališče na naslovu, kjer sedaj živim?

Uradnica: Po osmih dneh od osebne uročitve lahko prijavite začasno prebivališče v čakalnici A ali B. S seboj imejte kartico dovoljenje za začasno prebivanje, najemno pogodbo ali izjavo lastnika, iz katere je razvidno, da vam dovoli začasno prebivanje na tistem naslovu.

Jaz: Hvala za informacije. Nasvidenje.

Me: When will my application be resolved?

Administrative worker: On average, an application is resolved in three months because we have a large number of applications. Once the matter is decided, you will be notified in writing and you will personally pick up the temporary residence permit card. At that time, you will also pay an additional administrative fee for the production of a residence permit card in the amount of 12 euros.

Me: When can I register my residence at the address where I now live?

Administrative worker: After eight days of personal service, you can register your temporary residence in waiting room A or B. Have a temporary residence permit card, a rental agreement or a statement from the owner showing that you are allowed temporary residence at that address.

Me: Thanks for the info. Goodbye.


Jaz: Dober dan. Sem državljan Rusije in sem oddal vlogo za začasno prebivanje iz razloga združitev družine, saj sem poročen s slovensko državljanko. Zanima me, kje lahko pridobim EMŠO in davčno številko?

Uradnik: Ob oddaji vaše vloge za združitev družine se vam je izdelala EMŠO številka. Svetujemo vam, da se oglasite na okencu Oddelka za tujce na Tobačni ulici 5, kjer vam bo uradnik posredoval informacije o vaši EMŠO številki.

Za davčno številko se obrnite na Finančno upravno Republike Slovenije (FURS).

Jaz: A imate številko od FURSA?

Uradnik: 01 369 30 00. Več informacij lahko najdete na spletni strani:

Me: Good afternoon. I am a citizen of Russia and I applied for temporary residence due to family reunification, as I am married to a Slovenian citizen. I would like to know where I can get an EMŠO and a tax number.

Administrative worker: When you submitted your application for family reunification, an EMŠO number was issued for you. We advise you to contact the counter of the Department for Foreigners at Tobačna ulica 5, where the administrative worker will provide you with information about your EMŠO number.

For the tax number, contact the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS).

Me: Do you have a number of FURS?

Administrative worker: 01 369 30 00. More information can be found on the website:

Do you need legal assistance or help from an official interpreter/translator?

Write to us and we will answer you as soon as possible.

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