
German: Module 3

Original price was: 36,00 €.Current price is: 30,00 €.

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Module 3 covers three chapters of the first level of German:

German 1g: Meine Stadt – My city
Imate težave z razumevanjem navodil za orientacijo po mestu? Po končanem poglavju to sploh ne bo več težava! Sprehodili se bomo po mestu in naučili se boste opisovati vse stavbe in kje se točno nahajajo, pa tudi poimenovati prevozna sredstva. Ponovili bomo 1. sklon in 4. sklon, naučili se bomo še 3. sklon. Vadili bomo dialog v mestu, dajati napotke in naučili se boste spregati in uporabljati glagol ITI v povezavi s prevoznimi sredstvi. Obvladali boste predloge za umestitev predmetov. Naredili bomo tudi pregled z razlago razlik med 3. in 4. sklonom.

German 1h: Mein Zuhause – My home
In Chapter 8, you will learn vocabulary related to the house: rooms in the house, objects in the house, number (one, two, three, ...) of feminine, masculine and neutral nouns. We will again practice place prepositions and various prepositions for the 3rd and 4th cases. You will also learn about household chores. We will listen to German music again.

German 1i: Es tut mir Weh – It hurts
In this chapter you will learn more about body parts and all the vocabulary related to the doctor: senses, health problems and what can help us with our problems. You will also learn the 3rd case and the imperative. At the end, of course, you will listen to some German music.

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Modul 3


Level 1


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