
Slovene: Module 1

Original price was: 36,00 €.Current price is: 30,00 €.


Module 1 covers the first three chapters of the first level of Slovene:

Slovene 1a: Dober dan! - Good day!
In the first chapter, you will learn some basic phrases in Slovenian and you will get to know the Slovenian alphabet and pronunciation, as well as the basics of dividing nouns into feminine, masculine and neuter genders. At the end of the chapter, you will be able to distinguish between formal and informal dialogue. You will be able to introduce yourself (name, surname, occupation, nationality and languages you speak). You will know how to communicate your feelings and you will learn to ask for a phone number or email address. You will also be able to tell others about it too. You will also master some basic phrases for easier communication and some basic verbs. Finally, you will be able to listen to one Slovenian song and solve the exercises based on what you have heard. To top it off, we've added another secret bonus content to the chapter.

Slovene 1b: Kdo si? - Who are you?
In the second chapter, you will learn to present yourself and others in more detail. You will learn Slovenian personal pronouns, tell nationalities, professions and languages in Slovenian, you will meet Slovenian, European and world celebrities and you will know how to introduce them too! You will learn to use the 2nd case in some situations. We have prepared an exercise where you will try a dialogue with an employee at the administrative unit, and arranging paperwork will never be a problem again. At the end we will listen to music, and this time we have added two secret bonus contents to the chapter.

Slovene 1c: Moja družina - My family
In the third chapter, the focus is on the family. You will learn the vocabulary of family members, words to describe people and their character and parts of the body. You will know how to make your own family tree. You will also learn the conjugation of verbs ending in -ATI and also the difference between the verbs TO BE and HAVE. You will get to know a very popular Slovenian band and one of its most famous songs. Added secret bonus content to this chapter.

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Modul 1


Level 1


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